Technology & Digital Skills (STEM)
The “Technology & Digital Skills (STEM)” category of the Great Places to School recognizes the importance of integrating technology and digital skills into education. Over the past half-century, technology has moved from a novelty to an essential part of classrooms, facilitating learning and empowering students and teachers with information, media, and tech skills.
This category assesses whether schools have facilities and infrastructures that promote digital skills and innovation, as well as the innovative ideas they are nurturing. It acknowledges that digital technology has transformed the job market, favoring those proficient in areas like Artificial Intelligence, coding, Internet of Things, Big Data, Data Analytics, and Augmented Reality. Schools should therefore properly acquaint students with modern technology and digital learning. To be recognized under this category, institutions must demonstrate commitment to promoting and facilitating STEM education, preparing students for the modern workplace, connecting classroom experiences to the real world, fostering global awareness and cultural exchange, supporting E-learning, and teaching learners about safe online practices.